1. Dual Beam
FEI Helios NanoLab 600
1. Two GIS
2. Ominiprober
3. Quickly loader
4. Facility accessories (Chille...
2. Ominiprober
3. Quickly loader
4. Facility accessories (Chille...
EDWARDS XDS10 Scroll pump
Sample stage: 5-Axes motorized X-Y-Z-rotate-tilt stage
Step size: 100 nm (Minimum)
High vacuum: 10^-10 mbar
X, Y-Axis: 150 mm
Z-Axis: 10 mm
Tilt range: -5° to +60°
1 µm at 0°
2 µ at 52°
Electron optics:
Magnetic immersion lens
Ultra-high brightness emitter
Source: SCHOTTKY Field emitter
Accelerating voltage: 350 V to 30 kV (Continously adjustable)
Beam current: 1 pA - 22 nA
0.9 nm at 15 kV
1.4 nm at 1 kV
Ion optics:
Sidewinder Field emission focused ion beam optics
Liquid Gallium ion emitter
Accelerating voltage: 0.5 kV to 30 kV (Continuously adjustable)
Beam current: 1.5 pA - 20 nA
Imaging resolution: 5 nm at 30 kV
Milling resolution: 10 nn on Cr thin film
High-resolution digital scanning engine
Resolution: 512x442, 1024x884, 2048x1768, 4096x3536 pixels
Minimum dwell time: 25 ns/pixel
Electronic scan rotation by 360°
Patterning system:
Maximum resolution: 64k x 64k
Minimum dwell: 25 ns/pixel
Maximum dwell: 25 ms/pixel
Multiple pattern shapes
Complex milling pattern through bitmap import
In-lens SE and BSE True Lens Detector (TLD)
Everhart-Thornely SE Detector (ETD)
14-Segements solid state STEM II detector
Chamber viewing IR CCD camera
Microscope controller
LCD Monitor, 19"
Screen resolution: 1280x1024
Optical mouse
Chamber door mounted interface for manipulators
Broad beam plasma source ion column (Focus 250 µm)
Manuals included
Does not include manipulator.